ulf 2
Technical data
Type description | ULF-2, single seat ultralight motor glider | ||
Typeresponsibility | Markus Wagner | ||
Wing | Cantilever wing, single built-up wooden spar, plywood nose section, built-up wood ribs, fabric covered. Wing section: WORTMANN FX 63-137, | ||
Fuselage | Wood frame of multi-corner cross section; oval plywood spine; covered with fabric | ||
Tail | Cantilever structure, fabric covered | ||
Landing Gear | Main gear: One piece GFC-spring; wheel brakes. Tail gear: GFC-spring, wheel is pedal controlled | ||
Propulsion | 24 kW, two Cylinder (horizontally opposed), 4-Stroke CITROËN-VISA car engine, belt driven reduction gear, 2 to 3 blade propeller, 1.6 m diameter. Aluminium fuel tank behind firewall, 33 litre capacity | ||
Pilot Accommodation | Single 33 deg. reclined GFC seat, open or closed windshield, cockpit width: 54 cm (21,3 inch) | ||
Rescue system | Fuselage integrated, consisting of parachute, electric ignition box, pull-out rocket | ||
Dimensions | Wing span | 11 m | 36.09 ft 20.51 ft |
Areas | Wing | 13.9 m² | 149.56 sq.ft 14.31 sq.ft 21.47 sq.ft |
Masses | Mass empty | 210 kg 323kg | |
Ultimate Structural | Positive | 6 g | |
Performance | Max. speed (VNE) Cruising speed (VCR) | 140 km/h | 87 mph 260 ft |
Noise | ICAO Annex 16, Chapt. 10 | 55 dB(A) |
General Arrangement